Meet the German Environmental Specimen Bank in Berlin
In April, the German Environmental Specimen Bank presents itself and new results at two events in Berlin: Wasser Berlin und GHUP conference for human health.
WASsERLEBEN and the German Environmental Specimen Bank
Berlin hosts the international tradeshow and congress WASSER BERLIN on April 23-26, 2013. The interactive exhibition WASsERLEBEN is open for students and interested citizens.
Our experts from the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology will demonstrate how they work for the specimen bank. Be invited to come along and watch how our samples are processed and securely stored.
The German Environmental Specimen Bank at the GHUP conference
On Friday, April 26 over 600 experts will gather in Berlin for the 7th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Hygiene, Environmental Medicine and Preventative Medicine (GHUP) in cooperation with the congress of public health service.
Human biomonitoring is among the focal points of the congress. The German Environmental Specimen Bank will present three talks: Dr. Marike Kolossa-Gehring (UBA) presents new human-biomonitoring methods for substances of potential human health relevance. André Conrad (UBA) discusses the impact of physiological factors on our chemical budy burden. And finally, Prof. Thomas Göen explains temporal trends for phthalates in samples gathered from young adults over the last two decades.