Environmental Specimen Bank at the Europe Biobank Week
Experts of the German Environment Agency discuss latest ESB results with an international audience, following the motto Biobanking for Health Innovation.
The ESB talk at the Europe Biobank Week
in Vienna presents current data on the human exposure i. a. to Glyphosate and perfluorinated compounds and demonstrates how human biomonitoring as well as long term storage of human specimen supports environmental health research and policy-making at the national and international level.
The Europe Biobank Week
is a new platform for scientific debate and cooperation initiated by the Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructures – European Research Infrastructure Consortium (BBMRI-ERIC) and the European and Middle Eastern Society for Biopreservation and Biobanking (ESBB).
Associated events
September 12, 2016 until September 15, 2016
Europe Biobank Week
Joint conference of the BBRMI-ERIC and ESBB