German Environmental Specimen Bank at International Scientific Meetings: DioXin 2018 and ISES-ISEE 2018

Created at August 24, 2018

Following the motto No Boundaries in POPs Pollution, Research and Control and Complex Local and Global Issues in Environmental Exposure and Health current results of the German Environmental Specimen Bank are presented

This year's Dioxin Congress in Krakow and the joint annual meeting of ISES and ISEE in Ottawa will take place on August 25th-30th, 2018. The Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) will present results at both meetings.

At the Dioxin Congress, current results on flame retardants from the environmental sector of the Environmental Specimen Bank will be presented in three scientific presentations:

  • Halogenated flame retardants in biota samples from the German North- and Baltic Sea
  • Analysis of dechloranes and emerging brominated flame retardants with a multi-compound multi-matrix method and GCAPI-MS/MS
  • Emerging flame retardants and legacy POPs in bream and other limnic samples of the German environmental specimen bank

At the parallel ISES-ISEE meeting the Environmental Specimen Bank will present new results on human exposure to preservatives and plasticizers:

  • German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB): Time Trends of Paraben Exposure
  • German Environmental Specimen Bank: Urine Samples from 1999-2017 Document Rapid Increase in Exposure to the Para-Phthalate Plasticizer DEHTP

Since 2016, the Environmental Specimen Bank has also provided its analytical results via the Information Platform for Chemical Data (IPCHEM) of the European Commission. The experiences of the Environmental Specimen Bank, the Federal/Länder Dioxin Database and the database Pharms-UBA - Pharmaceuticals in the environment in sharing data in IPCHEM will be reported in another presentation:

  • Experiences of the German Environment Agency in Sharing Data Via IPCHEM for Further Improving Human Health and Protecting the Environment

Further results will be presented on posters:

  • German Environmental Specimen Bank: Characteristics of 24-H Urine Samples and Their Relevance for Human Biomonitoring - Experience from 20 Years of Trend Research
  • From Zero to One-Hundred in 15 Years: Urine Samples from the German Environmental Specimen Bank Reveal Omnipresent and Further Increasing Exposures to the Novel Plasticizer Substitute Hexamoll DINCH

These presentations and posters demonstrate that montoring data from Human population and the environment, long-term archiving of samples together with systematic publication of data are vital for policy makers at the national and international level.

Associated events

August 26, 2018 until August 31, 2018

DioXin 2018

38th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants and 10th International PCB Workshop

August 26, 2018 until August 30, 2018


Annual Joint Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology