Zeitreihenuntersuchung von Irgarol und den Azolfungiziden Tebuconazol und Propiconazol in Schwebstoffproben der Umweltprobenbank des Bundes (UPB)
Schulz, Volker
Jena: FOOD GmbH Jena Analytik-Consulting, 2013. - 32, Projektnummer (28 221)
The biocides irgarol, propiconazole and tebuconazole were analysed in suspended matter delivered by the German Environmental Specimen Bank. Sampling strategy mainly included effluents of public sewage treatment plants and rain water sewers whereas the agricultural influence was rather secondarily. Samples were taken from the following locations: Saar (barrage Rehlingen), Rhine (Koblenz), Rhine (Bimmen), Elbe (Blankenese), Elbe (Zehren) and Saale near Wettin. Sampling was carried out between 2006 and 2012. All biocides were detectable in the lower µg/kg range with a detection limit of 0.1 µg/kg. The analytical method based upon accelerated solvent extraction (ASE technique) in connection with a HPLC triple quadrupole system (HPLC-MS/MS). In suspended matter concentrations of between <0.1-4.2 µg/kg (irgarol), 0.77-5.9 µg/kg (propiconazole) and 0.51-5.7 µg/kg (tebuconazole) were found. All values were very similar at different locations. In general the analytes showed no concentration dependence with time. Exceptions with decreasing biocide gradients were found for irgarol (Saar and Koblenz), for propiconazole (Bimmen) and for tebuconazole (Bimmen).
Final report Irgarol, Tebuconazol und Propiconazol in Schwebstoffproben (PDF, 1016 KB, in German)