Vergleich der EU-Umweltqualitätsnorm (UQN) für Quecksilber in biologischen Matrizes mit der Belastungssituation in deutschen Oberflächengewässern – aktualisierter Stand der Belastung in Fischen und Schwebstoff
Wellmitz, Jörg
Umweltbundesamt, 2015
Directive 2008/105/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 (EQS Directive, as amended by Directive 2013/39/EC) requires compliance with the environmental quality standard of 20 μg/kg wet weight for mercury and mercury compounds in biota. The biota EQS for mercury refers to prey fish and applies to the protection of higher organisms (mammals and raptors) against poisoning via the food chain (secondary poisoning
Based on the previous document of December 2010, the current situation of Hg contamination in fish is discussed in the present report. As before, the EQS is exceeded in fish from German inland waters, while food threshold values for mercury in fish are generally in compliance. Analysis results of the German Environmental Specimen Bank (Umweltprobenbank des Bundes (UPB)) were used as data basis.
Report 2015 Vergleich der EU-Umweltqualitätsnorm (UQN) für Quecksilber (PDF, 598 KB, in German) | to report 2010 Vergleich der EU-Umweltqualitätsnorm (UQN) für Quecksilber