Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Schwebstoffe

2017, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

Mathias Ricking, Martin Keller, Peter Heininger, *Andrea Körner
Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde, Referat G4 „Radiologie und Gewässermonitoring“, Am Mainzer Tor 1, D-56068 Koblenz, *Umweltbundesamt, Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau


Described are the objective, predefinitions for the sampling, implementation of the sampling procedure,  documentation, and literature. The appendix contains the schematic illustration of the set-up of the sampling devices, a glossary, and specimen data sheets.

The Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Schwebstoffe V 4.0.3 (PDF, 397 KB, in German) has been in force since 2017.

The previous version Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Schwebstoffe V 4.0.2 (in German) was in force from 2012 to 2017. Older versions are not provided here.