
Soil type: Braunerde (German soil classification KA 4)

Horizon Description
Auflage Rohhumusartiger Moder
A Mineralischer Oberbodenhorizont
Ah A-Horizont mit bis zu 30 Masse-% akkumuliertem Humus, dessen Menge in der Regel nach unten hin abnimmt; h von humos
B Mineralischer Unterbodenhorizont
IIBv B-Horizont, durch Verwitterung verbraunt und verlehmt (Tonbildung und/oder Lösungsrückstände); II kennzeichnet den Schichtwechsel im Bodenausgangssubstrat; v von verwittert
C Mineralischer Untergrundhorizont
mCv C-Horizont, massives Substrat (m), nicht grabbar


Profile description

  • The thick top layer consists of raw humus-like mould which points towards low biodegradation in the soil.
  • The Ah horizon shows signs of podzolisation.
  • In the Bv horizon grain size changes significantly and the sand fraction increases.
  • Adjacent to the mC horizon a silt belt is visible.
  • The observed changes in grain size indicate that the respective material is not a product of natural in-situ weathering but has been transported to the chasms by water or turbation.
  • The whole soil profile is moist to wet and stagnating surface water can be found at the bottom of the B horizon leading to slight features of pseudogley.