Irgarol and azole fungicides in suspended particulate matter
Exposure of surface waters with biocides
Irgarol served as material preservatives for façades and insulating material. As Irgarol containing preservatives for materials have been banned in 2012, an increase in use of other material preservative substances (e.g. tebuconazole, propiconazole) can be expected. Both active substances are probably endocrine disruptors.
Against this background, the potential transfer of Irgarol, tebuconazole and propiconazole from material preservatives into surface water was retrospectively investigated by analysing suspended particulate matter samples of the German Environmental Specimen Bank. This study included samples from the years 2006 to 2012 from six different sampling areas. All areas are assumed to be dominated by storm water and municipal waste water.
The concentrations of all three substances are similar at nearly all locations. In most cases no trends are observed over time. For Irgarol decreasing concentrations were detected at the sampling site of the river Saar and of the river Rhine at Koblenz. Similar decreases were observed for propiconazole and tebuconazole at the sampling site Bimmen of the river Rhine.
The data of the retrospective monitoring study can be accessed and searched.