Leipzig, Rosental

Soil profile of the sampling site Leipzig, Rosental; Photo: FhG IME
Soil profile Leipzig, Rosental; Photo: FhG IME Zoom in

Park area in the centre of Leipzig city

The park Rosental is a recreation area. The soil sampling site is located inside this area between the river Parthe and the dyke Elstermühlgraben. The soil can be classified as Fluvisol (German soil classification KA 4: pseudovergleyte Vega) originating from flood plain sediments of the rivers Elster and Parthe.

Please, click the image to open the soil profile description.

Recommended analysis examples


  • As an organism living at ground level, it is a major driver of the decomposition of organic material (e.g. plant litter).
  • Soil is livelihood and biosphere for humans, animals, plants and soil organisms. All the substances brought in are transported, transformed and/or accumulated in the soil.


Sampling period

2002 - 2019

Extended information
