
Soil is livelihood and biosphere for humans, animals, plants and soil organisms. All the substances brought in are transported, transformed and/or accumulated in the soil.
Soil is sink and , depending on substance and specific soil properties, medium for accumulation as well as intermittent reservoir for all substances entering via atmosphere or direct application. Through litter also substances which settle on the vegetation by dry deposition or filtrating effects enter the soil.
Soil usually consists of horizons parallel to the ground surface. Samples are taken from the organic layer respectively from the root network on urban green areas, from the topsoil (A horizon) and the subsoil (B horizon). The bedrock (C horizon), whichs consists of more or less unchanged parental rock, is not examined. As soil processes run relatively slow and therefore changes are expected only at longer time intervals, the sampling takes place only every four years in September/October.
For more information about the specimen, the sampling and the processing of samples see the Guideline for Sampling and Sample Treatment Soil.
Recommended analysis examples
Search data
Target organs/Matrices
Organic layer/root networkThe organic layer respectively the root network at urban green spaces is an important specimen because both are in direct contact with the atmosphere and thus with air pollutants and substances which are directly applied to the soil. Furthermore, substances which have been deposited on the vegetation enter the organic layer through litter.
TopsoilThe topsoil (A horizon) is the upper layer of the mineral soil body with high biological activity. It is mostly darker in colour and contains more organic matter than the deeper layer. The topsoil is of special importance in the circulation of contaminants because it is the main root space of plants and the habitat of the majority of soil organism.
SubsoilThe subsoil (B horizon) is often enriched with clay, minerals or organic matter and is therefore also referred to as illuvial horizon. It is the main area of mineralisation. In many soil types the B horizon functions as water reservoir where water soluble pollutants accumulate. Furthermore, the channels of many burrowing soil organisms penetrate the B horizon thus facilitating the contaminant dissemination. The B horizon plays a major role in the cycle of matter because the roots of many plants penetrate through the B horizon and are exposed to the accumulated contaminants. In the subsoil, the samples are taken in the first subsoil horizon of up to 40 cm depth.
Sampling area
The only high mountains national park in Germany and an area of the Limestone Alps with international relevance
Important, old-industrialised conurbation in Germany.
Main water divide between the North- and Baltic Sea
Germany's first national park
Region in the chemical triangle of Central Germany
Germany's largest forest national park
Second highest and largest low mountain range in Northern Germany
Germany's largest connected forest area in a range of low mountains
The Upper Bavarian Tertiary Uplands are a part of the Southern German Molasse Basin
Eighty percent of all elements on earth are metals
Only eighteen elements in the periodic table
Group of organic compounds with at least one covalently bonded chlorine atom
Toxic and persistent organochloropesticide
Several isomeric compounds among the group of chlorinated hydrocarbons
Group of organic compounds with at least three condensed six-membered rings
Organic compounds which are fully (per-) or partially (poly-) fluorinated
Atoms of one element with different weights
Flame retardants reduce the flammability of objects
Salts of perchloric acid
Additional information for the interpretation of contamination data
Sampling period
2002 - 2019
Extended information
Links to external information and legislation
- Federal Soil Protection Act (BBodSchG - Bundes-Bodenschutzgesetz - Gesetz zum Schutz vor schädlichen Bodenveränderungen und zur Sanierung von Altlasten) (external)
- Soil | Agriculture (external)
- LABO - Bund/Länder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bodenschutz (external)
- European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) (external)
- Soil - Environment - European Commission (external)
Methodische Weiterentwicklung der Probenahmerichtlinie für Böden im Rahmen der Umweltprobenbank des Bundes
Weinfurtner, Karlheinz; Dreher, Peter; Hund-Rinke, Kerstin; Scheid, Susanne; Simon, Markus
Schmallenberg: Fraunhofer-Institut für Molekularbiologie und Angewandte Oekologie, 2002. - 107; FKZ: 301 02 006, 2002
Bodenprofilaufnahme und Charakterisierung der Bodenprobenahmeflächen der Umweltprobenbank des Bundes
Lämmerhirt, Merle; Weinfurtner, Karlheinz
Schmallenberg: Fraunhofer-Institut für Molekularbiologie und Angewandte Oekologie, 2004. - 90; FKZ: 301 02 006, 2004
Eignung von Bodenproben aus der Umweltprobenbank für mikrobiologische Untersuchungen - Einfluss des aktuellen Klimas (Niederschlag) zum Zeitpunkt der Probenahme auf die Ergebnisse (German)
Dr. Markus Simon, Dr. Thomas Lukow
Fraunhofer-Institut für Molekularbiologie und Angewandte Oekologie, 2003
Auswertung der chemischen Analysen von Bodenproben 2002 und 2006 der Umweltprobenbank des Bundes
Weinfurtner, Karlheinz
Schmallenberg: Fraunhofer-Institut für Molekularbiologie und Angewandte Oekologie, 2011. - 64, 2011
PCDD, PCDF, and dl-PCB in terrestrial ecosystems: Are there correlations of levels or patterns in soil and roe deer liver?
Schröter-Kermani, Christa; Rappolder, Marianne; Neugebauer, Frank; Päpke, Olaf
Organohalogen Compounds 73 (2011), 1325-1328, 2011
Analytical experiences with the German Environmental Specimen Bank: Polybrominated diphenylethers in deer liver samples and corresponding soils
Päpke, Olaf; Schröter-Kermani, Christa; Stegemann, Dieter; Neugebauer, Frank; Ebsen, Peter
Organohalogen Compounds 73 (2011), 416-419, 2011