Klimabedingte Allelveränderungen in ausgewählten UPB-Probenarten

2011, Reports

Quack, Markus; Hochkirch, Axel; Veith, Michael
Trier: Universität Trier, Fachbereich VI – Biogeographie, 2011. - 114


An individual-based and retrospective monitoring concerning the genetic differentiation of species sampled by the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) was conducted. For this purpose selected populations of bream (Abramis brama), eelpout (Zoarces viviparus), blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris were studied using microsatellite analysis. The aim of the study of individual samples was, to describe the current status quo of the genetic diversity (allelic richness) and to compare the genetic comparability of different populations. The retrospective monitoring of homogenates (pooled samples) was performed to uncover temporal genetic changes in the population that might be explained by climate change. Furthermore, this study was done to test, if the archived samples of the ESB are suitable for such a retrospective analysis at all.

In the report at hand the results of the population genetic analyses are presented in detail and discussed. In the course of this the results of all four species are presented separately for the individual-based and the retrospective approach.

In order to check future changes in allelic composition, a repetition of the individual-based analysis is recommended in a constant interval, e.g. one to twofold generation time. For studies that are aiming on population genetic questions, but also on question concerning the immune response or hormonal effects, the use of suitable individual samples is essential. Therefore, it is necessary to archive individual tissue samples and/or DNA samples as a standard feature for retrospective analyses in addition to the routine pooled samples.

Final report Klimabedingte Allelveränderungen in ausgewählten UPB-Probenarten(3366 KB, in German)