Benzo[e]pyrene in leaves of poplars from the Saartal

Decreasing contamination since the early 1990s

Benzo[e]pyrene is a product of combustion of fossil fuels and other organic material. It is environmentally persistent and accumulates in organisms.

Concentrations of benzo[e]pyrene in and on leaves of lombardy poplars from the Saartal have declined significantly since the early 1990s. This indicates that atmospheric benzo[e]pyrene pollution has decreased due to improved emission protection.

Decreasing contamination since the early 1990s
Fig. 1: Benzo[e]pyrene in leaves of lombardy poplars from the Saartal
Updated at: 2022-01-05


Recommended profiles


  • A deciduous tree typical of ecosystems close to dense conurbations and an indicator for the characterisation of the immission situation during the vegetation period.


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