formula: C10H18O; CAS Registry Number: 106-24-1

Source: PubChem
Identifier: 637566
Identifier: 637566
Used as fragrance in many products
Geraniol is used as fragrance in many products, e.g. fragrances, cosmetic products and pharmaceuticals. Geraniol can be found in essential oils but is also produced through biotechnological processes.
Geraniol is a sensitizing agent and has to be listed on the cosmetic product when used.
Search data
8-carboxy-geraniolMetabolite of geraniol
Hildebrandt AcidMetabolite of geraniol
Student groups with an even number of female and male students at the age of 20 to 29.
Sampling area
4 university cities as sampling areas.
Sampling period
2004 - 2018