4-MBC and Metabolites

4-Methylbenzylidencamphor, 4-MBC, Enzacamene, 3-(4'-Methylbenzylidene)camphor; formula: C18H22O; CAS Registry Number: 36861-47-9
Quelle: PubChem
Identifier: CID 6434217

UV-Filter used in cosmetics and sunscreen

4-methylbenzylidenecamphor (4MBC) is a UV-filter used in cosmetics and sunscreen.

Currently (2022) the scientific committee on consumer safety of the EU is not able to decide on the safe use of 4-MBC since the data on its genotoxicity is inconclusive.

Because of its known environmental toxicity 4-MBC is prohibited by some states (for example Palau) to protect coral reefs.


  • 3-(4-Carboxybenzylidene)camphor (cx-MBC)
    main metabolite of 4-MBC


  • Student groups with an even number of female and male students at the age of 20 to 29.

Sampling area

Sampling period

1995 - 2019