
Upper Rhine

Study site immediately downriver of Basel's chemical industries

The sub-area is located at the entry point of the Rhine into the Upper Rhine Valley directly downstream of the chemical industries of Basel. Furthermore, this is the site where the Rhine canal begins. The stretch from here to the town of Iffezheim is characterized by 10 barrages and a complete straightening which dates back to the 19th century (so called Tulla’sche upper Rhine correction). In the course of this straightening, the stream and the former, more than 6 km wide floodplain with its numerous furcations, were forced into a riverbed of only 200–250 metres width. As a consequence, erosion increased and the riverbed was significantly deepened.

Sampling site

  • Sampling site situated directly downriver of the Basle chemical industries



Sampling period

1995 - 2022