Prossen (km 13)

The river Elbe near Prossen
Photo: UPB-Projektgruppe Trier

First sampling site of the river Elbe after crossing the Czech-German border

The sampling site Prossen includes the main stream and harbour basin Prossen between river kilometres 13 and 14. It lies in the landscape protection area Sächsische Schweiz (Saxon Switzerland) which adjoins the homonymous national park.

The harbour is only little frequented. In the north of the harbour there are depots from the army and storage facilities for crop and compound feeds. In the east, the harbour is bordered by weekend properties.

The land between Elbe and harbour is used as grazing land. Directly below the sampling site a small river enters the Elbe and about 10 km upstream a permanent monitoring site of the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe (ICPE) is installed.

Recommended analysis examples



Sampling period

1993 - 2024