Blankenese (km 634)

The river Elbe near Blankenese
Photo: UPB-Projektgruppe Trier

Sampling site upstream of the Elbe estuary

The sampling site Blankenese is located immediately downstream of the port of Hamburg and extends between the river kilometres 629 and 636.5. It is used to document the nutrient and contaminant load of the Elbe which is discharged into the North Sea.

In 2001, the main sampling site for bream moved from the Mühlenberger Loch (a bay area in the Elbe) about 5 kilometres upstream to the Köhlfleet. This was necessary after a partly backfilling of the Mühlenberger Loch in the context of areal expansions of the Airbus Germany GmbH.

About 1 km upstream of the sampling site Blankenese is a permanent monitoring site of the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe (ICPE).



Sampling period

1993 - 2022