Saar, Staustufe Rehlingen

Saar, Staustufe Rehlingen
Photo: UPB-Projektgruppe Trier

The Saar leaving the Saarland conurbation

The sampling site Staustufe Rehlingen (barrage at Rehlingen) documents the water status of the Saar after passing the Saarland conurbation.

It extends from the barrage at Rehlingen to the confluence of the river Nied. The barrage Rehlingen is the third of six barrages built to bridge the 55 metres difference in altitude of the deepened river section between Saarbrücken and Konz.

The sampling site is influenced by the sewage treatment plant Dillingen which has a capacity of 50,000 population equivalents.

The ESB sampling site Staustufe Rehlingen is used for sampling zebra mussels, bream and suspended particulate matter.

Recommended analysis examples



Sampling period

1992 - 2024