Oberes Steinbachtal

Landscaped formed by mining
The landscape of the sampling site Oberes Steinbachtal (upper valley of the creek Steinbach) is characterized by 100-year old mining dumps next to mud and settling ponds. With these remainders of mining industry, the sampling site gives a comprehensive picture of the characteristics of the landscape, i.e., anthropogenically reshaped areas next to semi-natural regions. The latter consist of extensively reforested plots with beech and coniferous forests. The dominant soil type is a Braunerde-Pseudogley
(German soil classification KA 4).
The area of the Oberes Steinbachtal was used as Environmental Specimen Bank sampling site for spruce in the years 1995 to 2006 as well as sampling site for soil in 2002 and 2006. The soil sampling site is situated in a spruce stand.
Please, click the image to open the soil profile description.
Search data
The former centre of mining and coal, iron and steel industry becomes the Regional Park Saar
A major primary producer in semi-natural and anthropogenic affected ecosystems.
Soil is livelihood and biosphere for humans, animals, plants and soil organisms. All the substances brought in are transported, transformed and/or accumulated in the soil.
Eighty percent of all elements on earth are metals
Only eighteen elements in the periodic table
Group of organic compounds with at least one covalently bonded chlorine atom
Toxic and persistent organochloropesticide
Several isomeric compounds among the group of chlorinated hydrocarbons
Group of organic compounds with at least three condensed six-membered rings
Additional information for the interpretation of contamination data
Sampling period
1995 - 2006
Extended information
Bodenprofilaufnahme und Charakterisierung der Bodenprobenahmeflächen der Umweltprobenbank des Bundes
Lämmerhirt, Merle; Weinfurtner, Karlheinz
Schmallenberg: Fraunhofer-Institut für Molekularbiologie und Angewandte Oekologie, 2004. - 90; FKZ: 301 02 006, 2004