
Soil profile of the sampling area Großpalmberg; Photo FhG IME
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The sampling site Großpalmberg is located in a mixed forest at an altitude of about 500 m.
The soil sampling site is situated in a beech stand. The dominant soil type is a Braunerde aus einer Löss-Lehmdeckschicht über Obere Süßwasser Molasse (German soil classification KA 4). The loess-loam layer is only a few decimetres thick.
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Search data
Sub-area within an intensively cultivated agrarian landscape
Soil is livelihood and biosphere for humans, animals, plants and soil organisms. All the substances brought in are transported, transformed and/or accumulated in the soil.
Eighty percent of all elements on earth are metals
Only eighteen elements in the periodic table
Group of organic compounds with at least one covalently bonded chlorine atom
Toxic and persistent organochloropesticide
Several isomeric compounds among the group of chlorinated hydrocarbons
Group of organic compounds with at least three condensed six-membered rings
Organic compounds which are fully (per-) or partially (poly-) fluorinated
Atoms of one element with different weights
Salts of perchloric acid
Additional information for the interpretation of contamination data
Sampling period
2002 - 2019
Extended information
Bodenprofilaufnahme und Charakterisierung der Bodenprobenahmeflächen der Umweltprobenbank des Bundes
Lämmerhirt, Merle; Weinfurtner, Karlheinz
Schmallenberg: Fraunhofer-Institut für Molekularbiologie und Angewandte Oekologie, 2004. - 90; FKZ: 301 02 006, 2004