Benzo[ghi]perylene in blue mussels from the Baltic Sea
Only marginal variations since the early 1990s
Benzo[ghi]perylene occurs in crude oil and also as product of the combustion of fossil fuels. It has a high bioaccumulation potential and its degradation in the environment is slow.
Benzo[ghi]perylene levels in blue mussels from the Baltic Sea are relatively low and are within the same concentration range since the early 1990s.

Fig. 1: Benzo[ghi]perylene in blue mussels from the Baltic Sea sampling site Darßer Ort
Updated at: 2022-01-05
Recommended profiles
One of the most important edible mussel species common in the North and Baltic Sea
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon with six connected six-membered rings
Sampling area
National Park in the largest brackish water (Bodden) habitat of the world.