OCS; formula: C8Cl8; CAS Registry Number: 29082-74-4

Source: PubChem
Identifier: CID 34466
URL: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/34466#section=2D-Structure
Identifier: CID 34466
URL: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/34466#section=2D-Structure
Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic chlorinated organochlorine compound
Octachlorostyrene is a by-product of processes that combine carbon and chlorine at high temperatures, e.g., the electrolytic production of magnesium from magnesium chlorine using graphite anodes, the production of chlorine and chlorinated solvents, aluminium degassing with hexachloroethane and combustion of chlorinated compounds such as PVC.
Environmentally relevant properties of octachlorostyrene include:
- persistence
- bioaccumulation potential
- biomagnification potential
- toxicity to aquatic organisms
- suspected endocrine disrupting activity
Recommended analysis examples
Search data
Common mussel species as invasive animal in rivers and lakes with high information level for water pollution
Bioindicator in rivers and lakes
Fine insoluble mineral or organic particles in the water phase
Inshore, the herring gull mainly feeds from the sea: upon fish, mussels, and crabs.
Sampling area
Important, old-industrialised conurbation in Germany.
Main water divide between the North- and Baltic Sea
Longest river in Germany
National Park in the largest brackish water (Bodden) habitat of the world.
National park in the world largest connected sand and mud flats.
Fourth largest river basin in Central Europe
Region in the chemical triangle of Central Germany
Second largest river in Europe
Sampling period
1988 - 2023