PCB 156
formula: C12H4Cl6; CAS Registry Number: 38380-08-4
PCB 156 belongs to the toxicologically relevant group of dioxin-like PCBs (DL-PCBs, also known as WHO-PCBs) that have molecular-biological properties resembling those of dioxins and furans.Toxic equivalency factor according to WHO(2005) (WHO-TEF(2005)): 0.00003
Search data
Bioindicator in rivers and lakes
As the only viviparous fish in German nearshore waters, it is a bioindicator in nearshore coastal marine ecosystems.
Inshore, the herring gull mainly feeds from the sea: upon fish, mussels, and crabs.
Sampling area
Important, old-industrialised conurbation in Germany.
Main water divide between the North- and Baltic Sea
Longest river in Germany
National Park in the largest brackish water (Bodden) habitat of the world.
National park in the world largest connected sand and mud flats.
Fourth largest river basin in Central Europe
Region in the chemical triangle of Central Germany
Second largest river in Europe
Sampling period
2003 - 2023