As the only viviparous fish in German nearshore waters, it is a bioindicator in nearshore coastal marine ecosystems.
The European eelpout is a groundfish which inhabits coastal areas of the North and Baltic Seas and does not travel far. This makes it a very useful indicator within marine sampling areas. For this reason it was proposed by Sweden in 1991 as a coastal bioindicator for the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Helsinki Commission). It is also envisaged as an indicator for the Baltic Monitoring Programme and the Joint Monitoring Programme.
Muscle and liver are used as a specimen. Sampling takes place once a year in the early summer.
For more information about the specimen, the sampling and the processing of samples see the Guideline for Sampling and Sample Processing Eelpout (Zoarces viviparus).
Recommended analysis examples
Search data
Target organs/Matrices
MusculatureThe musculature or muscles are the eatable part of the fish and therefore are directly linked to the human food chain.
LiverThe liver is the main reloading point of the substances within the body. Therefore the liver is analysed of the eco-toxicological relevant substances.
Sampling area
National Park in the largest brackish water (Bodden) habitat of the world.
National park in the world largest connected sand and mud flats.
Eighty percent of all elements on earth are metals
Only eighteen elements in the periodic table
Organic substances with at least one metall atom
Group of organic compounds with at least one covalently bonded chlorine atom
Toxic and persistent organochloropesticide
Several isomeric compounds among the group of chlorinated hydrocarbons
Organic compounds which are fully (per-) or partially (poly-) fluorinated
Class of synthetic fragrances
Atoms of one element with different weights
Flame retardants reduce the flammability of objects
Cyclic methylsiloxanes with persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic properties in the environment
Additional information for the interpretation of contamination data
Sampling period
1994 - 2024
Biometric parameters
Extended information
Links to external information and legislation
Histologische Untersuchung der Gonaden von Aalmuttern aus Nord- und Ostsee 2008
Gercken, Jens
Institut für Angewandte Ökologie Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (2009), FKZ 30102029, 2009
Biologisches Effektmonitoring mit Aalmuttern aus Nord- und Ostsee
Gercken, Jens
Institut für Angewandte Ökologie Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (2007), FKZ 30102023, 2007
Eelpout (Zoarces viviparus) in marine environmental monitoring
Hedman, Jenny E.; Rüdel, Heinz; Gercken, Jens; Bergek, Sara; Strand, Jakob; Quack, Markus; Appelberg, Magnus; Förlin, Lars; Tuvikene, Arvo; Bignert, Anders
Mar. Pollut. Bull. 62 (2011), 10, 2015-2029, 2011