Jochenstein (km 2210)

The river Danube near Jochenstein
Photo: UPB-Projektgruppe Trier

Last sampling site of the river Danube before the German-Austrian border.

Jochenstein is the only sampling site in the sub-area Unterhalb Innmündung (below the mouth of the river Inn). It extends from the mouth of the river Erlau (river kilometre 2215) to the barrage near Jochenstein (stream kilometre 2204) and includes the main stream, several oxbows and a harbour basin. In this section the Danube is a highly frequented shipping route. No above ground discharges are present.

Bream and zebra mussels are sampled in the main river stream.

The monitoring site Jochenstein of the Bavarian Environment Agency (Bayerisches LfU) is located immediately downstream of the Environmental Specimen Bank's (ESB) sampling site. This allows the comparison of the ESB data with the physical and chemical water data of the federal state’s monitoring network.

The sampling site Jochenstein represents the water status of the Danube when it leaves Germany.



Sampling period

2002 - 2024

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