Photo: UPB-Projektgruppe Trier
Area situated between the spruce forest plateau of the highland forests and the succession area
The originally sampled highland spruce forest at 1,200 to 1,300 metres altitude were largely destroyed by the bark beetle (mainly Ips typographus) in the 1990s. It is assumed that this was a consequence of the climate warming.
Individual spruces which had survived the bark beetle infestation were destroyed by windthrow. The sampling site for spruce now covers the remnant trees and new grown areas from the 1940s which are slowly growing together by natural succession.
Recommended analysis examples
Search data
Main investigation area in the core zone of the Bavarian Forest National Park
A major primary producer in semi-natural and anthropogenic affected ecosystems.
Eighty percent of all elements on earth are metals
Only eighteen elements in the periodic table
Group of organic compounds with at least one covalently bonded chlorine atom
Group of organic compounds with at least three condensed six-membered rings
Organic compounds which are fully (per-) or partially (poly-) fluorinated
Flame retardants reduce the flammability of objects
Salts of perchloric acid
Additional information for the interpretation of contamination data
Sampling period
1990 - 2022