New: Soil data published, data searchable
Created at April 26, 2012
Extensive information and data on soil surveys of the German Environmental Specimen Bank are now searchable on the website.
Soils play an important role in terrestial ecosystems. For this reason soil was added as a specimen in the research programme of the German Environmental Specimen Bank in 2002. Since then, soil sampling was carried out quadrennial in all terrestial sampling areas. Read the new profiles and search the corresponding data.
- The profile soil provides information about the function of the specimen and the examined soil horizons, i.e., organic layer, topsoil, and subsoil.
To the profile soil - The profiles of the sampling sites inform about the sampling locations and a click on the profile images opens an enlarged graphic of the soil profiles and a short description:
- BR/NP Berchtesgaden › WEG Wimbachtal › Wimbachtal
- NP Bayerischer Wald › WEG Markungsgraben › Forellenbuchet
- BR Pfälzerwald › WEG Moosbachtal › Edersberg
- Solling › Sievershausen › Friedrichshäuser Bruch
- Oberbayerisches Tertiärhügelland › Scheyern › Großpalmberg
- Bornhöveder Seengebiet › WEG Belauer See › Ruhwinkel-Ost
- NP Harz › Oberes Ilseeinzugsgebiet › Naturdenkmal Stempelsbuche
- Dübener Heide › Transekt Halle-Leipzig › Leipzig, Rosental
- Dübener Heide › Dübener Heide Mitte › Revier Lutherstein
- Saarländischer Verdichtungsraum › Saartal › SB-Staden
- Saarländischer Verdichtungsraum › Warndt › Warndt 2
- Saarländischer Verdichtungsraum › Saarkohlewald › Oberes Steinbachtal
- The data search provides the results of the soil analyses of the sampling years 2002 und 2006. Furthermore, supplementary parameters on the physico-chemical soil properties are searchable. These data are relevant to evaluate the findings of the chemical analyses:
Go to data search soil - a selection of substances: then „Start data search“ or edit the preselected parameters and start the search.
- Hint for your data search: Additionally to the tabular view of the data you can display the data in diagrams. As per default, diagrams are displayed as bar charts. In case of soil data also line charts are an applicable diagram type for all substances analysed. On the contrary, stacked bar charts are only applicable for CHC, PAH and the particle-size distribution (supplementary parameters). Select the wanted diagram type in the list “If applicable, view as” and click on “View”.